
Kaydet İptal
İndirme Önizlemesi

business, communication, cooperation and people concept - happy female helpline operator with headset over blue background and icons of contacts or customers

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Tek fiyatta istediğiniz boyutta karşıdan yükleyin

günde 5 görsel $0.53 / görsel $79
günde 10 görsel $0.33 / görsel $99
Ayda 50 görsel $1.58 / görsel $79
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Krediler bir yıl boyunca kullanılabilir

10 Krediler $35
25 Krediler %44 tasarruf edin $49
100 Krediler %52 tasarruf edin $169
500 Krediler %72 tasarruf edin $495
Sepete Ekle
piksel | in | cm Credits
Küçük 900 x 586 12.5" x 8.1" (72 dpi) 31.8 x 20.6 (72 dpi)
Orta 1600 x 1042 5.3" x 3.5" (300 dpi) 13.5 x 8.9 (300 dpi)
Büyük 2800 x 1823 9.3" x 6.1" (300 dpi) 23.6 x 15.5 (300 dpi)
Ekstra Büyük 6971 x 4540 23.2" x 15.1" (300 dpi) 58.9 x 38.4 (300 dpi)
Uzatılmış Lisans 6971 x 4540 23.2" x 15.1" (300 dpi) 58.9 x 38.4 (300 dpi)

Aboneliklere ve kredilere uygulanan boyutlar

İlgili Görseller  |  Tümünü Gör

İlgili Anahtar Kelimeler

arkaplan, güzel, i̇ş dünyası, business background, business backgrounds, business communication, business concept, business concepts, business group, business icons, business partner, business partners, businesspeople, business services, business technologies, business technology, çağrı, merkez, söyleşi, cheerful, müvekkil, colleagues, haberleşme, communication concept, communication icons, ümmet, community icon, community people, konsept, connecting people, bağlantı, connection concept, contact icon, contact icons, iletişim, yardımlaşma, kurumsal, corporate background, corporate people, müşteri, müşteri hizmetleri, customer service icon, dişilik, kız, küresel, global business, zümre, group of people, group people, groups of people, happiness concept, mutlu, happy business, happy client, happy customer, happy customers, happy girl, mutlu insanlar, happy person, kulaklık, kulaklık, yardım etmek, helpdesk, help icon, helping people, helpline, hotline, simge, icons business, uluslararası, international business, media, media icons, çoklu ortam, çevrim, networking concept, networking people, çevrimiçi, online business, operator, partners, i̇nsanlar, people helping people, insanlar simgesi, people smiling, şahıs, insan simgesi, hizmet, service icon, services concept, tebessüm, smiling people, toplumsal, social icons, social media background, social media people, çözüm, support group, support icon, takım, teknoloji, technology icon, technology icons, technology people, user icon, tüketici, kadın, worldwide, gençlik

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