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İndirme Önizlemesi

business, people and technology concept - close up of creative team with laptop and tablet pc computers displaying charts on screens sitting at table in office

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günde 5 görsel $0.53 / görsel $79
günde 10 görsel $0.33 / görsel $99
Ayda 50 görsel $1.58 / görsel $79
Karşıdan yükle

Krediler bir yıl boyunca kullanılabilir

10 Krediler $35
25 Krediler %44 tasarruf edin $49
100 Krediler %52 tasarruf edin $169
500 Krediler %72 tasarruf edin $495
Sepete Ekle
piksel | in | cm Credits
Küçük 900 x 600 12.5" x 8.3" (72 dpi) 31.8 x 21.1 (72 dpi)
Orta 1600 x 1066 5.3" x 3.6" (300 dpi) 13.5 x 9.1 (300 dpi)
Büyük 3003 x 2002 10" x 6.7" (300 dpi) 25.4 x 17 (300 dpi)
Uzatılmış Lisans 3003 x 2002 10" x 6.7" (300 dpi) 25.4 x 17 (300 dpi)

Aboneliklere ve kredilere uygulanan boyutlar

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İlgili Anahtar Kelimeler

analytics, app, uygulama, tayin, brainstorm, browsing, i̇ş dünyası, business concept, business concepts, business group, business growth, business meeting, iş adamı, business networking, business partner, business partners, business partnership, business people group, business people meeting, business professional, business professionals, business success, business team, business teamwork, business technologies, iş kadını, çizelge, charts and graphs, yakın çekim, close up, co-workers, işbirliği, collaboration concept, colleagues, computer network, computers, computer screen, computer technology, konsept, connecting people, bağlantı, connection concept, yardımlaşma, kurumsal, corporate meeting, corporate people, creative office, creative team, iktisat, finances, gadget, graph, zümre, group meeting, group of business people, group of men, group of people, group of workers, group people, groups of people, growing, growing business, büyüme, growth chart, gemici, i̇nternet, dizüstü, laptop screen, tanışmak, meeting people, taş, ağ oluşturma, networking concept, networking people, ofis, office meeting, office people, office workers, çevrimiçi, online business, partners, ortaklık, pc, i̇nsanlar, şahıs, person on computer, professional people, professionals, professional woman, satış, sales growth, sales team, startup, startup business, istatistik, başarı, success concept, successful businessman, successful woman, tablo, tablet, tablet, tablet pc, takım, team meeting, ekip çalışması, teknoloji, woman at computer, woman business, woman computer, woman on computer, woman on laptop, kadın

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